Black Friday Sale … 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% off !!!

 Sales (Black Friday, Boxing Day …): what are they all about and are they legitimate.

At ROBBIE BROWN: Clothing for Men up to 5’8”, our “sales” are legitimate sales, in which we give our customers a truly amazing deal on quality items.  We don’t believe that customers wait for just for Boxing Day anymore, so we have chosen Black Friday as an opportunity to clear out various styles and patterns that we don’t want to move forward with, at this time of year.

This sale is a way for us to clean up inventory, as new Winter clothing is arriving.  All garments that are a part of this sale are quality items and nothing is brought in just for the sale. I don’t like to say this, but many stores bring in clothing made of cheaper fabrics or cheaper quality explicitly to put on sale for these events. Their supposedly huge discount is not a true discount, and it’s hard to comprehend that the public keeps falling for this. Their ‘sale’ price should be their regular retail price. I don’t have an answer as to why people are convinced that they are getting a great deal; I can’t believe that people are still so naïve.

For any guys that wear shorter sizes, our sales are an opportunity to get a truly great deal on our quality garments. It is a good time to buy an extra item or to get a price break for those who like quality but don’t quite have the budget for it.  Black Friday Sales are the fourth Friday in November, and Boxing Day Sales are on December 26.   One is much better off buying a quality garment over a “cheap” one, as you will truly enjoy all the benefits that come with it.                                                          

ROBBIE BROWN is a men’s clothing store that specializes in shorter sizes. Clothing is offered in short (5’5” – 5’8”) and extra short (5’2” – 5’5”).  Shirts come in 31” and 32” sleeve lengths and are proportionately made shorter. We are a quality store with both excellent CMT and fabrications.

“There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this man’s lawful prey.” John Ruskin

Robbie Brown is a retail entrepreneur and fashion innovator.  He is currently building a retail concept called, ROBBIE BROWN, clothing for men up to 5’8” (a fashionable and better quality store for shorter men).

ROBBIE BROWN  2583 Yonge St. Toronto, Ontario