It’s hard enough to find better quality or designer clothing for short men, but it is even harder to find shorter sizes to fit you, if you are very thin/skinny or larger/bigger. Fortunately, this is not the case at, ROBBIE BROWN. In clothing, we do extra short and short garments, start at size 34 and go up to size 50. It is as easy for us to fit a very slim or larger man, as it is someone that is size 40.
Looking great in clothing when you are short, regardless of your size, is all about attention to detail and garments that are correctly proportioned for you height. A lot of consultants skinny or larger men, should be careful with the colour or patterns they buy. I buy the same fabrics in size 34 or 48, as I do 40. It is my philosophy that a person of any size can wear any pattern, as long as it fits properly, and they can carry it off.
You will love that all our clothing is off-the-rack, and you will be impressed with the selection, you will be even more impressed how good you look in a garment that fits. At Robbie Brown, it is easy, because we specifically designed the garment, with fit in mind, in every size.
Robbie Brown is a retail entrepreneur and fashion innovator. He is currently building a retail concept called, ROBBIE BROWN, clothing for men up to 5’8” (a fashionable and better quality store for shorter men).