At Robbie Brown, our tag line is, “clothing for men up to 5ive ei8ht”. 
 We didn’t want to use the word “short”, as for some reason men don’t like to say “I’m short”,  don’t like to be called, short and don’t like to admit that they are short.  As a matter of fact, most shorter men always add an inch onto their height, when asked how tall they are.
One thing that we do know for sure, is that shorter men like to dress well, and that fit is very important to them.  This is why I opened ROBBIE BROWN, a concept clothing store for the “shorter” guy.
One of the challenges we had with our website, was finding the right search words (as you know SEO is very important).  We thought shorter men would do searches that were more specific to their needs, like where can I buy a 31” or 32” sleeve length, or where can I find size 48 short, or where can I buy a suit in size 34 extra short.
Shorter men don’t like using or hearing the word “short” when it has to do with themselves personally.  However, when it comes to searching on the web for clothes that fit, the word “short” is used the most in their searches.
When we had focus groups with shorter guys, they finally admitted, that in their own private space, using words like short man, short men and short guys, was easy for them to do.
Some of the most popular words and phrases used in searches were: clothing for short men; clothing for the shorter man; suits for the shorter guy; stores for a short man; short man stores; shirts and clothing for shorter men …
So although we didn’t want to use the word “short” we had to, or you wouldn’t be able to find us!.
 For internet searches, saying, ROBIE BROWN is the best Short Man store for shorter men, does the trick. 
We would have liked to be able to say, ROBBIE BROWN, IS THE BEST CLOTHING AND FASHION STORE, FOR MEN UP TO 5IVE EI8HT, but it doesn’t have the word short in it, and based on searches, would not have been effective.

Robbie Brown is a retail entrepreneur and fashion innovator.  He is currently building a retail concept called, ROBBIE BROWN, clothing for men up to 5’8” (a fashionable and better quality store for shorter men).